June 23rd, 2016 Posted by Geoffrey Uncategorized No Comment yetRestoration focuses on climate change, and is one of four short ‘Greeen World Rising’ videos hosted by Leonardo DeCaprio and Thom Hartmann.
Restoration focuses on climate change, and is one of four short ‘Greeen World Rising’ videos hosted by Leonardo DeCaprio and Thom Hartmann.
Today, New York Times bestselling author Naomi Klein, was joined by the distinguished Canadian naturalist, David Suzuki, and other celebrated Canadians, in announcing an initiative for their nation, they call, The Leap Manifesto. (more…)
The world’s oceans are under severe pressure from overfishing. Humans have taken the largest, most biologically productive fish. Several commercial fisheries have already collapsed. There is also the huge problem of human trash ending up in our oceans. Plastic waste alone amounts to 8 million tons annually. (more…)
Julia Roberts is the voice of a tormented Mother Nature in this beautiful and very timely short video produced by Conservation International. (more…)
Lauren Singer is a 23 year old New Yorker on a mission. An environmental sciences graduate, Lauren is focused on minimizing her biological footprint. She launched her blog, Trash is for Tossers to provide inspiration and example for others interested in reducing their environmental impact. (more…)
Investigative reporter and cultural critic, Naomi Klein’s latest book is This Changes Everything. In it, she makes a powerful case that the predatory brand of capitalism currently practiced in the U.S. and much of the rest of the world fosters egregious inequality and is highly destructive to human well-being and the health of the biosphere, on which we all depend. (more…)
In the U.S. and in other economically advantaged countries, People mostly take for granted their supply of fresh water, the ready availability of inexpensive food, cheap energy to heat our homes and power our transport options, and esthetically pleasing and healthy living environments. (more…)