June 23rd, 2016 Posted by Geoffrey Uncategorized No Comment yetRestoration focuses on climate change, and is one of four short ‘Greeen World Rising’ videos hosted by Leonardo DeCaprio and Thom Hartmann.
Restoration focuses on climate change, and is one of four short ‘Greeen World Rising’ videos hosted by Leonardo DeCaprio and Thom Hartmann.
Here is the amazing trailer, for a powerful movie experience from France about human character, courage, and perseverance, in the face of an unprecedented storm of global scale challenges. (more…)
The world’s oceans are under severe pressure from overfishing. Humans have taken the largest, most biologically productive fish. Several commercial fisheries have already collapsed. There is also the huge problem of human trash ending up in our oceans. Plastic waste alone amounts to 8 million tons annually. (more…)
Julia Roberts is the voice of a tormented Mother Nature in this beautiful and very timely short video produced by Conservation International. (more…)
Unless humans slow the destruction of Earth’s declining supply of plant life, civilization like it is now may become completely unsustainable, according to a paper published recently by University of Georgia researchers in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (more…)
Climate change is impacting our entire planet in deeply unsettling ways. Human caused pollution is heating the atmosphere, causing among other things, more weather extremes and a destabilization in weather patterns around the world. (more…)
In the U.S. and in other economically advantaged countries, People mostly take for granted their supply of fresh water, the ready availability of inexpensive food, cheap energy to heat our homes and power our transport options, and esthetically pleasing and healthy living environments. (more…)