July 6th, 2015 Posted by Uncategorized No Comment yet

The  I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur Campaign was launched in 1990 by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – PETA. It has become a cornerstone of  PETA’s no holds barred campaign to make people think about eating meat, wearing fur, and being, in general, indifferent to the suffering and abuse of the wild and domestic animals with whom we share planet Earth.

PETA, led by a force of nature named Ingrid Newkirk, is engaged in a full on assault on the public consciousness. For the average person, the path of least resistance is to take an ‘out of sight, out of mind’  attitude toward the meat they eat and the animal products they buy.  PETA’s approach is to find ways to deliver stark ‘wake-up calls’ that touch the average person’s soul.

The PETA  I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur campaign has aggressively and skillfully combined advertising technique and celebrity support to discredit the fur industry.  They have made it unfashionable, even socially unacceptable, to wear fur coats or any kind of clothing made from animal skins.

PETA produces public service videos that extol the benefits of a vegetarian diet, while showing the gut wrenching cruelty inflicted on millions of chickens, cattle,  pigs, fish, and other animal species killed every day to feed our need for burgers, fillets, cutlets, and other types of cooked animal flesh.

Here’s a fact. It takes about ten pounds of grain and a lot of water to produce one pound of meat.  History shows that humans can be very healthy eating lower on the food chain.  Not everyone is going to become a vegetarian. I get that. But, everyone can consume less meat, much less meat.  This step embraced by humanity would take us very far down the road to a future that is compatible with nature. It is a step that would save every one of us money. It is an essential way to keep life as we know it going over the long term.

Compassion is a way of being worthy of our species. Kindness and compassion are the qualities we admire most in people.  Such people try to avoid causing pain or suffering.  They are certainly not indifferent to it, when they are fully aware of it.

PETA is using sex to get the public’s attention.  Good for them. In the case of the In Your Own Skin’ print ads and video,  PETA features beautiful young women to lure in viewers, then they reveal ‘in your face’ clips of human brutality to animals. You are confronted with the ugly reality PETA wants you to see.  If you look, and you are a compassionate person,  you cannot be indifferent.

Here is a link to the PETA website … http://www.peta.org/

Here is a link to a PETA video  PSA that showcases their  I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur Campaign   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD6P3lSJXjk


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